Melissa Farr
Melissa Farr is the wife of Britt Farr and “momma” to their four-legged babies, Corndog, Tinker, Gus, Charlie, and Crystal. She is the office coordinator at Angelo State University’s Small Business Development Center. Melissa is also a member of the Sequoia Sisters Life Group at Glen Meadows Baptist Church. Most importantly, Melissa is a professed sinner who is forgiven by her loving Savior, Jesus Christ. She feels His peace, comfort, and love by the poems He provides and the unconditional love found in His creation, specifically the animals.
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Melissa Farr
As the Boston bombings rang out, Melissa was reminded of a poem she had penned around Christmas. Though the season had changed, the message had not.
Jesus Cries as America Dies
We have become a “throw-away” society
God is shunned as warned through prophesy
The red, white, and blue still flies high
But the state of our nation makes Jesus cry.
The season of Christmas is now just a winter holiday
Easter weekend is simply time to break away
The White House now has a “Holiday Tree”
Without Christ in Christmas, how can it be?
There are murders and acts of war
The land is dry and rain is no more
Earth’s surface stews and raises temperatures high
Death and destruction makes Jesus cry.
Our dark and evil world needs Him now
As the thunder claps every knee shall bow
If only we would invite Him to return
Our world would flourish instead of burn.
The killing of innocent victims simply has to stop
Life is found in Christ Jesus; He is our solid rock
God must return to homes, businesses and schools
Those who lead astray are nothing other than prideful fools.
The season is here to celebrate the birth
Of a Savior who died to prove our worth
He wants to dwell within us before our time to die
After all He has done for us; we still choose to make Him cry.
Oh, Christmas Spirit, please come and light the way
Convict us to turn it all around; teach us how to pray
Christians stand tall, proud, and be the light
Show the way as wise men on that starry night.
Send wishes for a Merry Christmas and showcase the nativity
Decorate your homes with love and a Christmas tree
May our Father not be saddened by the declining of the USA
Bless our people with peace, love and joy today.