San Angelo City Council
Highlights from September 16th:
1 of 6 highlights!
Public Comment brought Peggy Tharp and Jesse Martinez to the podium, both to speak in regard to their concerns of a Frac Sand trans-loading facility in the heart of our city. Since that moment, lots of chatter has been happening in our community.
2 of 6 hightlights!
One of items on the Concent Agenda that went through without any discussion was item #14. Last year, I believe there was some debate on this annual item that comes before the council, but not a word this year. Your thoughts?
14. Consideration of approving the contininuation of a City Policy providing for paid-time off for City employees who contribute a "care share," a "double care share," or greater to United Way campaign in 2015.
From the Agenda Packet - background information on this item.
Date: Sept. 5, 2014
To: Mayor and Councilmembers
From: Ryan Ward, Engineering Services and Jade Baucom, Information Technology
Subject: Agenda Item for September 16, 2014, Council Meeting
Contact: Ryan Ward, Engineering Services
Caption: Consent Item
Consideration of approving the continuation of a City Policy providing for paid time off for City employees who contribute a “care share”, a “double care share”, or greater to United Way campaign in 2015 .
Summary: The City of San Angelo encourages its employees to contribute to the United Way campaign because of the resulting benefits to the community. As a result, City management would like to continue an incentive to employees who make significant contributions to the campaign.
History: The United Way raises approximately $2 million annually that is used to support 19 local programs, including the Concho Valley Regional Food Bank, San Angelo Day Nursery, Children’s Emergency Shelter, and the Adult Enrichment Center. Those served by United Way supported programs include the elderly, abused and neglected children, and battered women.
There is no doubt the services funded by the United Way campaign have far-reaching, lifetransforming impacts in our community.
The City of San Angelo is among the most important organizations to the United Way’s annual campaign. Last year, the City raised $91,466 and the previous year raised $ 95,763. The City is interested in seeing that the organization grow its contribution to the United Way effort. In hopes of encouraging City employees to donate to the campaign, the City of San Angelo United Way committee proposes continuing to give a day off to employees who pledge a “care share” contribution, which is the equivalent of one hour’s pay each month and to continue to give two days off to employees who pledge a “double care share” contribution, the equivalent of two hours’ pay each month; or greater. This “United Way Day” must be taken in the calendar year the donation was made. “United Way
Days” are not carried over to the new year. Upon separation, the City does not pay an employee for accrued United Way time.
Financial Impact:
In 2014 the United Way received an estimated $88,240.21 from contributions eligible for this benefit.
Number of Contributions * Eligible United Way Contributions
Care Share 151 $ 37,157.10
Double Care Share 85 $ 38,249.94
Front Runners 11 $ 12,833.17
Total Eligible United Way Contributions $ 88,240.21
*Note: The number of care share, double care share, and front runner contributions were estimated to remain the same from 2014 to 2015.
The City of San Angelo’s cost to continue this benefit would be approximately $91,466.50
Number of Contributions Cost of One Day Off for Eligible Contributions
Care Share 151 $ 38,148.77
Double Care Share 85 $ 42,605.38
Front Runners 11 $ 10,712.35
Total Cost of One Day Off for Eligible Contributions $ 91,466.50
Other Information/Recommendation: None.
Attachments: None.