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San Angelo City Council
Highlights from September 2nd:
Council votes on proposed tax rate. Proposed tax rate to remain the same for 2014-2015, while the City Budget is being raised 12%. The vote was 6-0, Silvas being absent.
Thanks to a generous gift from Elta Joyce Murphey McAfee, and the vote of City Council, the San Angelo Performing Arts Center receives its launching credentials to move forward and bring this into fruition. The vote was 6-0.
After months of negotiating, the agreement between the San Angelo Coalition of Police and the City of San Angelo was presented to the City Council for approval and ratification. The agreement is a three year step plan to move our officers' salary to 95% of our benchmark cities officers' pay. The agenda item passed, 6-0.
Agenda Item 17 dealt with a contract with Water Remedia-tion Technologies, LLC (WRT). They are being contracted to provide the material needed to remove the radium from the Hickory water, storage on site, and eventual removal of it from the site. To be clear - this was a very confusing discussion on this topic and it left me with several questions to ask.
Press Releases
I emailed Michael Dane, Asst. City Manager, and Ricky Dickson, Water Utilities Director, to ask the questions I was left with after this discussion. Kevin Krueger, Asst. Water Utilities Director, called me to answer my questions. Here are the facts for clarity:
We will pay a base fee of $115,000.00 annually. This will be billed in 12 equal monthly installments. The water we use will be billed at .59 cents / 1000 gallons that we actually process through the radium removal treatment system. There is NO minimum number of gallons we have to process. There is a maximum number of gallons we can process because of the limitations on the system. That is 8 million gallons / day.
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